Finishing 2016 Strong

Only 2 Days Left and We Are Almost There!

Serving more than 700 Home Meal Delivery clients each day and more than 15 schools in our community, your donation provides the financial support which is essential to those utilizing our services.

We're nearing the end of the year and we are asking Calgary to help us reach our fundraising goal for 2016.

Calgary Meals on Wheels is reaching out for support from you so that we meet the necessary fundraising target required to support our community. Your support enables us to provide financial subsidy to thousands of Calgarians each year; providing a nutritious, affordable meal service and beyond. During the difficult economic climate in the city, Calgary Meals on Wheels has seen a dramatic increase in demand from all walks of life.

Calgary Meals on Wheels’ best known program is our Home Meal Delivery Program; these programs offer the option of fresh-chilled lunch and supper, authentic Chinese and frozen meals delivered to our clients’ doorstep.

While our Home Meal Delivery Program will always be at the core of what we do, the current area experiencing the most growth are the school programs. Our own Hot Soup Program has expanded from 8 to 15 schools in just over 2 years, now serving more than 1500 children twice-weekly. Since our hot soup lunches are provided at no-cost to the schools or students, we rely on our donors to make this possible.Our programs support Calgarians’ independence, by helping them to stay in their homes, relieving the stress of a major life-altering change or by reducing the financial burden food costs can impose on struggling individuals and families. Short-term or long-term, we are here to help!

To donate, please visit our CanadaHelps page.

With your help, we can continue to make a difference to Calgarians in need.If you have already donated to Calgary Meals on Wheels thank you for joining our mission!

Don’t forget that you have until December 31st to get a tax credit for 2016. By donating to Calgary Meals on Wheels you receive a valuable charitable tax receipt. The amount credited is based on your donation amount and your personal income.


For example, an annual taxable income of $60,000 would result in

  • $100 donation and will receive $25 in tax credits

  • $500 donation will receive $200 in tax credits

  • $1000 donation will receive $450 in tax credits

The CRA provides a calculator that can calculate your tax saving based on the size of your donation which can be as high as 45% depending on your tax rates!

To determine your tax credit visit the CRA website.

NewsCalgary Meals on Wheels