Programs and Partnerships
Calgary Meals on Wheels primarily operates inside our 3 program pillars - Home Delivery, Schools, and Community.
Home Delivery
Our Chef’s Daily Special
Established in 1965, Our Chef’s Daily Special is our daily meal & delivery service. This program is ideal for individuals or couples who are on a fixed income and/or require assistance accessing nutritious & affordable fresh food. Operating on a 3-week, non selective rotating menu that can accommodate various dietary restrictions this program can be utilized 3-7 days a week with deliveries arriving from Monday - Friday. Delivery is free, there is no wait list and prices are determined on a sliding scale based on income.
My Choice Menu
Established in 1998, our My Choice Menu is a selection of 75+ a-la-carte frozen meals. Ideal for individuals, couples, or busy families this program offers flexibility and choice with options that accommodate dietary restrictions at an affordable, but set price. Delivery is free and is available Monday - Friday between 10:45am - 1pm. Order at your convenience in our online store.
Hot Soup Program
Since 2000, in partnership with the Calgary Board of Education, twice a week Calgary Meals on Wheels delivers a nutritious hot soup lunch to elementary schools with vulnerable students at no cost to the students or the schools. Many of the children participating in the Hot Soup Program face difficult personal life situations, poor nourishment, and family stresses. The Hot Soup Program ensures children will have a nutritious lunch, giving them the energy required to concentrate and learn. As this program is 100% funded by community support, we are continually seeking funding to support the maintenance and growth of this program and to enable these children to better learn and reach their full potential.
Student Nutrition Program
Established in 2014, the Student Nutrition Program was put into place for schools that have been identified with a high population of nutritionally vulnerable students without the resources or facility to produce meals. Funded by the Government of Alberta via the school districts, this program allows schools to purchase 100+ items from our menu to have on site for students as needed. Full bellies reduce students’ stress and anxiety and improves focus of learning, health and well-being.
Regional Program
Established in 2013, our Regional Program is ideal for rural or small towns orbiting the greater Calgary area who do not have their own Meals on Wheels, or want to supplement the meals that are currently available locally. Currently, we are partnered with FCSS in Cochrane, Strathmore, Wheatland County, as well as Longview Seniors and the Chestermere Food Bank.
Agency Program
Ideal for organizations without resources or the facilities to produce meals for their clients but wish to incorporate meals into their programs, our agency program empowers agencies to focus on their core services. This program was established in 1996 and we are currently working with 6 Alpha House locations.
More than a Meal Partnerships
Calgary Meals on Wheels is proud to work with a variety of community organizations, to assist us in providing meaningful connections to our clients.
Calgary Police Service
As one of the partner agencies involved with the Integrated School Support Project, we provide approximately 250 breakfasts and more than 425 lunches each week to two elementary schools.
Seniors Secret Service
All year round we have the great joy of delivering birthday gifts to our regular senior clients. Each Holiday season we are able to offer hundreds of our senior clients festive holiday gifts to spread cheer and warmth, all thanks to this wonderful partnership.
Calgary Fire Department
Each year the Calgary Fire Department offers smoke detector inspections and replacements for our clients, helping to keep them safe in their homes.
Florist Supply
Each week beautiful bouquets of older, unsaleable flowers are donated for us to share with our regular home delivery clients.
Quilting Guilds
Various quilting guids around the city regularly provide us with beautiful handmade placemats that we gladly distribute to our clients to help brighten their homes.
Letters Against Isolation
This partnership provides us with handwritten letters that we can share with seniors and homebound clients to offer comfort and community connection.
The youth of Calgary help us spread community connection by way of thousands of colourful handmade greeting cards made by elementary students all school-year long.