
What is in a bowl of hot soup? For the 1,500 students throughout Calgary, who receive our Hot Soup Program; it's much more than you think. Don Braun, Principal of Piitoayis (Eagle Lodge) Family School has seen the ongoing benefits of our program for a few years and had this to say about it:

"We have long known that when our students have full tummies they are much more ready to learn and face the challenges of the day. The Calgary Meals on Wheels Hot Soup Program is an integral part of our work to make sure our students have the nutrition they need. Beyond this, the program contributes to a sense of community and belonging in our school. So many times, I have watched the children talk, laugh, and enjoy others' company over a comforting and tasty bowl of hot soup. There is something wonderful that happens when quality food is available to all and we are so thankful for this opportunity."

The students love the Hot Soup Program. One of the many students at Piitoays Family School is Charles, he’s your typical grade 6 boy. An avid Parkour enthusiast, Charles is always moving, whether it’s practising his free running with his friends, going on long bike rides or hitting up the near by pool, Charles is one active boy. After coming in from recess, it’s nice to fuel up with some chicken noodle soup. “It tastes really good, there’s a lot of good stuff in there.” He says. The soup is a great way to re-energize to get ready for math, his favourite subject.

“I would be really excited to say thank you.” - Charles, Grade 6 student at Piitoayis Family School.

Since 2000 Calgary Meals on Wheels has been delivering out Hot Soup Program, assisting students in being nutritionally prepared for childhood development; socially and academically. The Nutrition Guidelines for Alberta Children & Youth state (2012): "With their basic nutritional needs met these kids are supported in developing into well balanced adolescents and adults. Eating habits and nutritional status have been linked to academic performance, behaviour, and self-esteem in children and youth. As eating patterns have a strong influence on brain development and the ability to learn in children and youth, eating patterns that do not provide the essential nutrients have been linked to decreased cognitive function and academic performance"Currently, we provide this program to 15 schools at no-cost and this is possible because of the support we receive from our community.

"Every dollar donated to the Hot Soup Program provides the warmth of a bowl of soup and a bun to a student who would otherwise be without a lunch. It's a small cost that makes a huge difference in the life of each child." - Janice Curtis, Executive Director, Calgary Meals on Wheels.

Help us keep their tummies full by donating today. All funds donated through Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink will be matched up to 50%. 

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