Goodbye Karen!

When Karen Robson first arrived at our Macleod Trail facility in 2012 she remembers thinking that everyone was so welcoming and fun – exactly what she was looking for. Until recently, she has been volunteering with Calgary Meals on Wheels as a driver and courier twice a week. Now she has retired from her almost five-year volunteer career with us to begin a new adventure in Kelowna, BC. During her time with us Karen has formed everlasting relationships, created heartwarming experiences and made a real difference in the Calgary community.

Karen first heard about Calgary Meals on Wheels through an advertisement requesting volunteers. It just so happens that, at that moment, Karen was looking for a new exciting volunteer commitment and thought Calgary Meals on Wheels would be a good option. Right away Karen noticed how appreciative everyone in the organization was to have her there. She recalls, “The clients were always so happy to see me whenever I came with a delivery. Also, I could tell that the staff were so appreciative of all the volunteers. It made the work worth it.”

After being placed on the same route multiple times Karen began to develop relationships with some of our clients. Her favourite part of volunteering was being able to meet our amazing clients. She says, “It is really interesting. The clients come from all walks of life so you get to hear some pretty spectacular stories.” One of her favourite experiences was being able to speak with a client’s daughter. She recalls, “The client was in and out of hospice so her daughter was in town to help. During this time, I got to talk with her and explain more about Calgary Meals on Wheels and what I did. When the daughter was about to go back to Toronto she told me that she was so inspired by the work that I was doing, and seeing how much of a difference it has made in her mother’s life, that when she got back to Toronto she was going to volunteer with their Meals on Wheels.”

It is easy to see that during her time with us Karen has made a large impact on our clients lives, but this impact doesn’t stop with our clients. Karen would often go out on delivery with our staff drivers, one of which, who would call in the day before to ensure he was placed with her. She is obviously an amazing individual to work with and we are glad to have had the opportunity.

Aside from volunteering, Karen enjoys travelling, gardening or ballroom dancing with her husband (as she says, “they do a mean tango,”). Additionally, Karen likes to spend time with her two daughters and her old cat George. Karen hopes to find another organization in Kelowna where she can dedicate her volunteer time, that is as fun and as well-run as Calgary Meals on Wheels. She assured us that if she wasn’t moving she would continue to deliver with our organization. As her time at Calgary Meals on Wheels has come to an end we are sad to say goodbye. We wish Karen a wonderful retirement and success in her future adventures and thank her for all her hard work and dedication.

What do you want the public to know about Meals on Wheels?

That we have lots of programs not just the standard home delivery. Also we served anyone, no matter their circumstances.

In three words or less describe what Meals on Wheels means to you.

Dedicated passionate people.