Comfort Food Delivered, When You Need it the Most


Comfort foods provoke nostalgic or sentimental feelings; often characterized by their high-calorie, high-carbohydrate content and/or their simple preparation. From savoury casseroles and fragrant soups to sweet desserts that are enjoyed at the end of a meal, comfort foods carry different meanings to different people.

Yes, food nourishes our body and supports our health, but it can also be a great sense of comfort - something we can all use a little more of during these uncertain times. More than ever, healthy eating is about more than just food; enjoying your food and appreciating everything it has to offer to help keep you healthy and support your overall well-being is just as important.

Staying home and self-isolating has brought many new challenges to everyone, including accessing food. Home cooking, whether it is preparing family favourite recipes or experimenting with new ones, has undoubtedly increased over the past month, but maybe cooking isn’t your thing, or perhaps you are isolated in your home or doing your best to avoid venturing out to the grocery store. That’s what we are here for; the Calgary Meals on Wheels kitchen continues to cook nutritious, comfort food for you to enjoy in your own home during these challenging times.

Our professional production kitchen adheres to the highest standards of food safe handling practices and continues to implement additional practices as recommended by Alberta Health Services. We know you have a lot on your plate these days. We are here for you – let us do the cooking. We offer many delicious meal options delivered safely to your door! Order now from our selection of 70+ meals on our My Choice Menu!

Brittney Edge