Hot Soup Program

Imagine what it would be like to be a young child arriving at school with no lunch, probably having had no breakfast. How do you focus on learning when you are hungry?

Unfortunately, this is a reality in our community as more and more Calgary children are unable to bring a lunch to school. Since 2000, in partnership with the Calgary Board of Education, Calgary Meals on Wheels has been working to change this reality. Twice a week Calgary Meals on Wheels delivers a nutritious hot soup lunch to elementary schools with vulnerable students at no cost to the students or the schools. Many of the children participating in the Hot Soup Program face difficult personal life situations, poor nourishment and family stresses. The Hot Soup Program ensures children will have a lunch giving them the energy required to concentrate and learn.

As this program is 100% funded by community support, we are continually seeking funding to support the maintenance and growth of this program and to enable these children to better learn, feel stronger and reach their full potential. Thank you for your interest in helping us start the school year on a positive note by ensuring these children will not go hungry.


Going Home Program

Going home from a hospital stay can be stressful and present challenges, especially if you are still recovering, experiencing mobility issues or worried about how you will shop for groceries and prepare healthy meals for yourself. Home-delivered meals can be one strategy helping to ease the transition back home to independent living, support healthier outcomes for participants, and provide valuable social contact and community support.

Recognizing this, both Calgary and Edmonton Meals on Wheels launched similar Going Home pilot projects in late 2019, funded by the Government of Alberta’s Aging Well in Community grant program. Locally, Calgary Meals on Wheels has partnered with Alberta Health Services’ Nutrition Services to bring the project to life. Eligible patients are identified in the hospital for referral to the program. Recipients receive short-term, complimentary meal support after hospital discharge. Meals can be modified for special dietary needs. Thank you to our funder, Alberta Seniors and Housing’s Aging Well in Community grant program for making this all possible. Thank you to our local partner, AHS Nutrition Services, for your continued enthusiasm and support with our pilot project.

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